Set up custom financial or operating metrics for each portfolio company, automate data collection & effortlessly track performance over time with interactive tables & charts.
Automatically calculate all fund KPIs that investors need to know, such as MOIC, IRR & DPI. Simply upload your investments & valuations and IRR will be calculated for you.
Find insights with company & fund reports. Compare the performance of portfolio companies, cut & dice your portfolio construction or create custom reports.
Build individual exit plans for each porfolio company. Calculate exit carry waterfalls and see dashboard analytics to understand fund lifetime returns.
Add colleagues as users to collaborate and enhance information transparency. Limit access to specific modules or companies to protect confidentiality.
Streamline your investor reporting process by sending custom quarterly investor reports directly from Fundsheet, cutting reporting time by up to 50% each quarter.
Exit Modelling
Investor Portal
Portfolio Metrics
Fund Cashflows
Data collection
LP Reporting
Cap Table